
Sending via POPStation

Post your parcel at the POPStation if you have purchased parcel service online from ezy2ship and select POPStation drop-off. Find more details below.

At the moment, you can only choose to deliver your parcel to the POPStation when you shop online with any of our partner retailers.

You can post your parcel at the POPStation if you have purchased parcel service online from ezy2ship and select POPStation drop-off. Simply pack the item you wish to post in a box, affix the shipping label to the parcel and select "Post My Parcel" function at POPStations to ship your item.

In addition to parcel collection, consumers can also return their items bought online to the POPStation if their retailers offer ezyReturn service from SingPost. Consumers can also ship their items through POPStations if they have purchased parcel service online from ezy2ship and select POPStation drop-off.